
Research has proven that acupuncture can improve a person’s well-being by stimulating the body’s healing processes, making it an important component to an integrative health care plan. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)  has determined that this non-invasive health care treatment is safe and effective when it comes to helping patients overcome a variety of health issues.

From pain management to stress reduction, experts are finding that the positive effects of acupuncture are broad and far-reaching. Patients can experience not only physical wellbeing, but also an improved state of mind and a more balanced emotional state, after they have undergone acupuncture sessions. Despite acupuncture’s growing popularity, many people are still unclear about how it contributes to a person’s overall health and wellbeing.

When placed at the appropriate points, acupuncture needles help to release blocked energy throughout the body so that function can be restored to everything from the digestive and cardiovascular systems, to the immune system, endocrine system, and nervous system. Results of this balanced energy flow can include better sleep and elevated mood, enhanced digestion, reduced pain, and an improved sense of wellness.